Career & Jobs

# Title Date Office Of Publication
1 An Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professor (Fixed Pay ) at College of Agriculture, NAU, Waghai 24/03/2025 College of Agriculture Waghai
2 Advertisement for the post of RA, SRF and JRF at Food Quality Testing Laboratory, NMCA, NAU, Navsari 19/03/2025 Food Quality Testing Laboratory, Navsari
3 Advertisement for the contractual staff at Department of Entomology, NMCA, NAU, Navsari 17/03/2025 N.M. College of Agriculture
4 Advertisement for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF), College of Forestry, NAU, Navsari 08/03/2025 College of Forestry
5 List of eligible and not-eligible candidates for personal interview for the post of SRF at ARS, NAU, Tanchha 12/02/2025 Agricultural Research Station Tanchha
6 Corrigendum : Relaxation of Upper Age limited to Research Associate, Teaching Associate, Senior Research Fellow, Junior Research Fellow in the recruitment of Assistant Professor and its equivalent cadre in Advertisement No. 1/2024 07/02/2025 Office of Registrar
7 Advertisement for Senior Research Fellow at Agricultural Research Station, NAU, Tanchha, Bharuch 03/01/2025 Agricultural Research Station Tanchha
8 Advertisement No. 1 / 2024 18/12/2024 Office of Registrar
9 ADVERTISEMENT NO.1/2024 17/12/2024 Office of Registrar
10 Advertisement for Research Associate, College of Forestry, NAU, Navsari 06/11/2024 College of Forestry
11 List of eligible candidates for Recruitment of SRF in the Dept. of Vegetable Science, ACH, NAU, Navsari 30/09/2024 Aspee College of Horticulture
12 Stenographer Grade-I (English or Hindi Stenographer) Group B (NG) Ministerial 24/09/2024 Office of Registrar
13 Filling up of one (01) post of Member (Official) in the Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices (CACP) under DA&FW- reg.... 24/09/2024 Office of Registrar
14 Filling up one post of Regional Home Economist in Directorate of Extension, Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare on deputation basis. 24/09/2024 Office of Registrar
15 List of eligible candidates and Interview Schedule for Young Professional - II in the Dept. of Fruit Science, ACH, NAU, Navsari (BH-12111) 23/09/2024 Aspee College of Horticulture
16 List of eligible candidates and Interview Schedule for SRF in the Dept. of Fruit Science, ACH, NAU, Navsari (BH-12109) 23/09/2024 Aspee College of Horticulture
17 List of eligible candidates and Interview Schedule for RA in the Dept. of PSMA, ACH, NAU, Navsari (BH-12108) 23/09/2024 Aspee College of Horticulture
18 List of Eligible and Not Eligible candidates for the personal interview for the post of SRF, CoF, NAU, Navsari 20/09/2024 College of Forestry
19 Revised list of eligible and not eligible candidates for the post of SRF, ASBI, NAU, Surat 17/09/2024 ASPEE Shakilam Biotechnology Institute
20 AN ADVERTISEMENT FOR APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Fixed Pay for 11 month) at College of Agriculture, N.A.U., Waghai 13/09/2024 College of Agriculture Waghai
21 List of eligible and non-eligible candidate for the post of RA/SRF at WRS, NAU, Bardoli 12/09/2024 Wheat Research Station Bardoli
22 List of eligible and not eligible candidates for the interview of Contractual Staff under BRL 1 MCRS, NAU, Surat 12/09/2024 Main Cotton Research Station Surat
23 AN ADVERTISEMENT FOR APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Fixed Pay for 11 month) At College of Agriculture, N.A.U., Bharuch 11/09/2024 College of Agriculture Bharuch
24 Advertisement for Senior Research Fellow, College of Forestry, NAU, Navsari. 02/09/2024 College of Forestry
25 Agri. Economics, NMCA, NAU, Navsari, SRF, Interview 02/09/2024 N.M. College of Agriculture
26 Eligible and non eligible candidate list of SRF at MCRS, Surat under IRM project 29/08/2024 Main Cotton Research Station Surat
27 List of eligible and non-eligible candidate for the post of YP-I(Young Professional I) MCRS, NAU, Surat 21/08/2024 Main Cotton Research Station Surat
28 Advertisement for the post of Contractual Staff 17/08/2024 Main Cotton Research Station Surat
29 Advertisement for RA (Dept. of PSMA) 17/08/2024 Regional Horticulture Research Station Navsari
30 Advertisement for SRF (Dept. of Fruit Science) 17/08/2024 Regional Horticulture Research Station Navsari
31 Advertisement for Young Professional - II (Dept. of Fruit Science) 17/08/2024 Regional Horticulture Research Station Navsari
32 Advertisement for the post of SRF in the Dept. of Vegetable Science, ACH, NAU, Navsari 14/08/2024 Aspee College of Horticulture
33 walk In Interview Advertisement -Medical Officer 09/08/2024 Office of Director of Students Welfare
34 Interview for the post of RA & SRF FQTL 06/08/2024 N.M. College of Agriculture
35 Advertisement for Senior Research Fellow(SRF) and Young Professional-I(YP-I) 31/07/2024 Main Cotton Research Station Surat
36 એગ્રો આઇ.ટી.આઈ., નવસારી કૃષિ યુનિવેર્સિટી, નવસારી ખાતે ચાલતા અભ્યાસક્રમો.... 19/07/2024 Director of Extension Education Office
37 Advertisement for post of RA and SRF at WRS NAU Bardoli 18/07/2024 Wheat Research Station Bardoli
38 Advertisement for SRF Agri.Economics NMCA Navsari 18/07/2024 N.M. College of Agriculture
39 Advertisement for the post of SRF at ASBI, NAU, Surat 16/07/2024 ASPEE Shakilam Biotechnology Institute
40 Advertisement for the post of RA and SRF at FQTL NMCA NAU Navsari 15/07/2024 N.M. College of Agriculture
41 list of eligible and non-eligible candidate for the post of JRF 02/07/2024 Mega Seed Pulses and Castor Research Unit Navsari
42 Walk in interview for SRF at Department of Entomology NMCA Navsari 19/06/2024 N.M. College of Agriculture
43 Advertisement for the post of ‘Technical Assistant’ (Contractual) at Department of Agricultural Engineering, N. M. College of Agriculture, NAU, Navsari 15/06/2024 N.M. College of Agriculture
44 Walk in Interview for Young Professional-II (YP-II) for Floriculture at ACoH, NAU, Navsari 01/03/2024 Aspee College of Horticulture
45 List of eligible/non-eligible candidates for the personal intervew for the post of Senior Research Fellow 29/02/2024 N.M. College of Agriculture
46 Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professor (Contractual Fixed pay for 11 months) at Department of Plant Physiology, N.M. College of Agriculture, Navsari 28/02/2024 N.M. College of Agriculture
47 List of eligible and not eligible candidates for the post of SRF along with interview date in the project entitled "Establishment of Department of Wildlife Sciences", at CoF, NAU, Navsari 12/02/2024 College of Forestry
48 List of eligible candidate for interview of contractual staff at Dept. of Soil Science and Agril. Chem., NMCA, NAU, Navsari 09/02/2024 N.M. College of Agriculture
49 Interview for the post of Research Associate 08/02/2024 N.M. College of Agriculture
50 Advertisement for the post of SRF at Department of Agricultural Engineering, N.M.College of Agriculture, NAU, Navsari 07/02/2024 N.M. College of Agriculture
51 List of eligible candidates for the interview of SRF at Main Sugarcane Research Station, NAU, Navsari 07/02/2024 Main Sugarcane Research Station Navsari
52 Corrigendum in advertisement for contractual staff at Dept. Soil Science and Agri. Chemistry, NMCA, NAU, Navsari 03/02/2024 N.M. College of Agriculture
53 List of eligible candidates for the interview of SRF at the Dept. of Soil Science and Agril. Chem., NMCA, NAU, Navsari 03/02/2024 N.M. College of Agriculture
54 Adivertisement for the post of JRF, Nodal Officer (Megaseed) & Unit Head, PCRS, NAU, Navsari 01/02/2024 Mega Seed Pulses and Castor Research Unit Navsari
55 List of eligible and not eligible candidates for the post of RA along with the interview date in the plan projects entitled “Establishment of Center for Geospatial Research, Education and Training” 25/01/2024 College of Forestry
56 List of eligible/non eligible candidates for the post of RA in the project entitled "Integrative centre for translational research to explore the worth of plant genetic resources of South Gujarat 23/01/2024 College of Forestry
57 List of eligible and non-eligible candidates for the post of SRF/RA at Dept of GPB, NMCA, NAU, Navsari". 23/01/2024 N.M. College of Agriculture
58 Advertisement for contractual staff at Dept. Soil Science and Agri. Chemistry 23/01/2024 N.M. College of Agriculture
59 RA - advertisenent - FQTL -12079 23/01/2024 N.M. College of Agriculture
60 Revised letter for Reschedule date and time of JRF interview (B.H.12025) of Fruit Science 18/01/2024 Aspee College of Horticulture
61 Advertisement for the post of Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Wildlife Sciences, College of Forestry, NAU, Navsari 18/01/2024 College of Forestry
62 List of Eligible and not Eligible candidate for SRF at Department of Soil Science, NAU, Navsari 10/01/2024 Soil Science Department
63 List of eligible and not eligible candidates for the post of SRF along with interview date in the plan projects entitled "Development of Apiforestry model for sustainable beekeeping through participatory approach in South Gujarat (B.H. 1210) 08/01/2024 College of Forestry
64 List of Eligible and not Eligible candidate for SRF at Department of Entomology, NMCA, NAU, Navsari 05/01/2024 N.M. College of Agriculture
65 Revised _Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professor (Fixed pay) at College of Agriculture Waghai / College of Agriculture Bharuch and Department of Agricultural Statistics N.M. College of Agriculture 04/01/2024 N.M. College of Agriculture
66 Advertisement for Post of SRF at Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry 04/01/2024 N.M. College of Agriculture
67 List of Eligible Candidates for JRF in a project entitled "Research and Development in Fruit Crops BH 12025" 03/01/2024 Aspee College of Horticulture
68 List of eligible candidates for recruitment of RA and SRF in the project entitled “Research in Dragon Fruit and Possibility of Dragon Fruit in Costal Area of Gujarat (BH 12087) 02/01/2024 Aspee College of Horticulture
69 Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professor (Fixed pay) at College of Agriculture Waghai / College of Agriculture Bharuch and Department of Agricultural Statistics N.M. College of Agriculture 27/12/2023 N.M. College of Agriculture
70 List of ELIGIBLE and NOT ELIGIBLE candidates for the recruitment of Research Associate position in the Department of Wildlife Sciences, College of Forestry, NAU, Navsari 22/12/2023 College of Forestry
71 Advertisement for Young Professional - I in the Department of SAF, College of Forestry, NAU, Navsari 19/12/2023 College of Forestry
72 Advertisement for the post of RA/SRF at Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, N. M. College of Agriculture, NAU, Navsari 19/12/2023 N.M. College of Agriculture
73 Advertisement for the post of SRF at Main Sugarcane Research Station, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari 19/12/2023 Main Sugarcane Research Station Navsari
74 Advertisement for the position of Research Associate in the Department of FRM, College of Forestry, NAU, Navsari 16/12/2023 College of Forestry
75 Advertisement for Senior Research Fellow position in the Department of FPU, College of Forestry, NAU, Navsari 15/12/2023 College of Forestry
76 Advertisement for the post of SRF at Research Scientist, Soil Science Dept., NAU, Navsari 14/12/2023 Soil Science Department
77 Advertisement for the post of SRF at Directorate of Extension Education, NAU, Navsari 14/12/2023 Director of Extension Education Office
78 Advertisement for the post of Research Associate in the Department of Wildlife Sciences, College of Forestry, NAU, Navsari 11/12/2023 College of Forestry
79 Advertisement for the post of JRF in the Department of Fruit Science, ACH, NAU, Navsari 07/12/2023 Aspee College of Horticulture
80 Advertisement for the post of RA and SRF in the Department of Fruit Science, ACH, NAU, Navsari 07/12/2023 Aspee College of Horticulture
81 Advertisement for the Post of SRF at Department of Entomology, NMCA, NAU, Navsari 07/12/2023 N.M. College of Agriculture
82 Advertisement for the post of Technical Assistant at Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, NAU, Bharuch 05/12/2023 College of Agriculture Bharuch
83 Filling up of the post of Director Technical Discipline 23/11/2023 Office of Registrar
84 Filling up of the post of Joint Director Farm information 23/11/2023 Office of Registrar
85 Advertisement for appointment on deputation ICFRE Dehradun 23/11/2023 Office of Registrar
86 List of eligible candidates for the post of SRF in the plan projcect entitled "Strategies to mitigate the impact of climate change" at CoF, NAU, Navsari (B.H.: 352/12019) 04/10/2023 College of Forestry
87 List of Eligible candidates for the Written Examination scheduled on 25/09/2023 for the Post of Young Professional-I under CCI ICAR CICR BMP project at MCRS Surat 18/09/2023 Main Cotton Research Station Surat
88 List of selected PG Students under Student Admittance 2023 in the NAHEP-CAAST sub-project. 15/09/2023 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
89 List of eligible and not eligible candidate for the post of SRFs in the plan projects entitled "Regeneration Techniques for Lesser Known and Threatened Tree species of South Gujarat" (B.H. 12065) and "A pilot project for development of Aqua-agroforestry model for coastal area of South Gujarat, Dandi" (B.H. 12030) 01/09/2023 College of Forestry
90 Advertisement for the Post of SRF at Department of Natural Resource Management, College of Forestry, NAU, Navsari 31/08/2023 College of Forestry
91 Advertisement for Young Professional-I at MCRS NAU SURAT 29/08/2023 Main Cotton Research Station Surat
92 list of eligible- not eligible students with date of examination of student admittance under NAHEP-CAAST Sub-Project 19/08/2023 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
93 Advertisement for Senior Research Fellows (SRFs) under NAHEP-CAAST Sub-project 11/08/2023 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
94 Cancellation of Advertisement and Interview for the post of YP I at MCRS, NAU, Surat 10/08/2023 Main Cotton Research Station Surat
95 Revised List of Eligible candidates for post of Young Professional I (YP-I) under CCI-CICR-BMP project at Main Cotton Research Station, NAU, Surat 10/08/2023 Main Cotton Research Station Surat
96 Advertisement for Senior Research Fellows in College of Forestry, NAU, Navsari 24/07/2023 College of Forestry
97 List of eligible and not eligible candidates for the post of JRF for GSBTM sponsored project, ASBI, NAU, Surat 21/07/2023 ASPEE Shakilam Biotechnology Institute
98 List of Eligible candidates for the personal interview for the post of Technical Assistant at Department of Entomology, NMCA, NAU, Navsari 20/07/2023 N.M. College of Agriculture
99 Advertisement for Young Professional 1 at Main Cotton Research Station, NAU, Surat 18/07/2023 Main Cotton Research Station Surat
100 Revised list of eligible candidate for the personal interview for the SRF 13/07/2023 N.M. College of Agriculture
101 'Advertisement for the Post of Technical Assistant at Department of Entomology, NMCA, NAU, Navsari' 07/07/2023 N.M. College of Agriculture
102 Advertisement for walk-in-interview for the post of Junior Research Fellow at SSAC 30/06/2023 N.M. College of Agriculture
103 Advertisement for the post of JRF at ASBI, NAU, Surat 14/06/2023 ASPEE Shakilam Biotechnology Institute
104 Advertisement for the post of SRF in Interlocking and exploring export potentiality for Horticultural crops in South Gujarat” (B.H.:12042) 09/06/2023 Department of Information Technology
105 List of eligible candidates for the personal interview for the post of JRF at SSAC, NMCA, Navsari 29/05/2023 N.M. College of Agriculture
106 Advertisement for JRF 13/04/2023 N.M. College of Agriculture
107 List of eligible candidates for TA at Main Sugarcane Research Station, Navsari 07/03/2023 Main Sugarcane Research Station Navsari
108 List of eligible and not eligible candidates for personal interview for the post of SRF (SSNNL) at ARS, NAU, Tanchha 28/02/2023 Agricultural Research Station Tanchha
109 Advertisement for Senior Research Fellow at Agricultural Research Station, NAU, Tanchha, Bharuch 10/02/2023 Agricultural Research Station Tanchha
110 Advertisement for Technical Assistant at Main Sugarcane Research Station, NAU, Navsari 20/01/2023 Main Sugarcane Research Station Navsari
111 List of eligible candidates for the personal interview for the post of Technical Assistant 13/01/2023 Main Sugarcane Research Station Navsari
112 Corrigendum of walk-in interview for Two positions of SRF under NAHEP-CAAST Sub-project 04/01/2023 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
113 Corrigendum for Recruitment of SRF under NAHEP-CAAST sub-project 28/12/2022 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
114 walk In Interview Advertisement -Medical Officer 26/12/2022 Office of Registrar
115 Walk in Interview for recruiting one contractual SRF in the NAHEP-CAAST Sub-Project 15/12/2022 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
116 Advertisement for Technical Assistant 15/12/2022 Main Sugarcane Research Station Navsari
117 Eligible and not-eligible list for group discussion and personal interview of student admittance under NAHEP-CAAST-2022 10/08/2022 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
118 List of eligible candidates for the post of SRF at Deparment of Entomology, NMCA, NAU 08/08/2022 N.M. College of Agriculture
119 List of eligible and not-eligible students for the student admittance -2022 under NAHEP-CAAST sub-project 25/07/2022 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
120 Corrigendum for the Advertisement for the Post of SRF at Department of Entomology, NMCA, NAU, Navsari 30/06/2022 N.M. College of Agriculture
121 Advertisement for the Post of SRF at Department of Entomology, NMCA, NAU, Navsari 29/06/2022 N.M. College of Agriculture
122 Anexure-A Medical form 09/05/2022 Office of Registrar
123 Application form 2022 09/05/2022 Office of Registrar
124 ADVERTISEMENT NO. 01/2022 09/05/2022 Office of Registrar
125 LIst of eligible candidates for the post of JRF for DST project to be held on 05/05/2022 at Dept. of Agronomy, NMCA, Navsari 18/04/2022 N.M. College of Agriculture
126 List of eligible/Non eligible candidates for the post of JRF under DST project under Dept. of Agronomy, NMCA 30/03/2022 N.M. College of Agriculture
127 Interview for the post of SRF in the College of Forestry, ACHF, NAU, Navsari 29/03/2022 College of Forestry
128 List of eligible candidates in Mahua Project for Project Associate - I interview to be held on 17/03/2022 at College of Forestry, NAU, Navsari 11/03/2022 College of Forestry
129 List of eligible candidates in Teak project for SRF interview to be held on 17/03/2022 at College of Forestry, NAU, Navsari 11/03/2022 College of Forestry
130 Advertisement for the Post of Senior Research Fellow at College of Forestry, ACHF, NAU, Navsari 09/03/2022 College of Forestry
131 Postponement of Walk - In Interview for the posts of Project Assistants at College of Forestry, NAU, Navsari 08/03/2022 College of Forestry
132 Walk in Interview for the post of SRF at College of Forestry, ACHF, NAU, Navsari 04/03/2022 College of Forestry
133 Advertisement for the Post of JRF at DEPARTMENTOF AGRONOMY, N. M, COIIEGE OF AGRICULTURE, NAU, Navsari 04/03/2022 N.M. College of Agriculture
134 Walk - In Interview for vacant positions of Project Assistants at College of Forestry, ACHF, NAU, Navsari 10/02/2022 College of Forestry
135 Advertisement for the Post of Project Associate-I at College of Forestry, ACHF, NAU, Navsari 02/02/2022 College of Forestry
136 Advertisement for the Post of SRF at College of Forestry, ACHF, NAU, Navsari 27/01/2022 College of Forestry
137 List of eligible candidates for RA interview to be held on 17.01.2022 at College of Forestry, NAU, Navsari 11/01/2022 College of Forestry
138 Advertisement For Medical Officer 04/01/2022
139 Advertisement for Research Associate (RA) position at Dept. of NRM, College of Forestry, ACHF, NAU, Navsari 21/12/2021 College of Forestry
140 List of eligible and not eligible candidates for SRF in Biodiversity project at College of Forestry, NAU 16/12/2021 College of Forestry
141 Advertisement for Senior Research Fellow at College of Forestry 24/11/2021 College of Forestry
142 Advertisement for SRF at FRS Gandevi 19/11/2021 Fruit Research Station Gandevi
143 List of Eligible and Not-eligible Candidates for Recruitment of SRFs Under CAAST-NAU,Navsari 16/11/2021 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
144 Advertisement for the post of Senior Research Fellow in N.A.U., NAHEP-CAAST sub-project 13/10/2021 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
145 Corrigndum for recruitment of JRF in project ‘Research and Development of Fruit Crops’(BH 12025) 21/09/2021 Aspee College of Horticulture
146 List of eligible candidates for recruitment of JRF in project “ Research and Development of Fruit Crops (BH 12025)” 17/09/2021 Aspee College of Horticulture
147 Filling up the vacant General Central Services Group 'A' Gazetted (Non-Ministered) posts in the Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine and Storage, Faridabad on deputation(including short term contract) basis 23/08/2021 Office of Registrar
148 Advertisement for the Post of Research Associate under GKMS Project at Bharuch 21/08/2021 Polytechnic in Agriculture Bharuch
149 List of Eligible and Not Eligible Candidates for the Post of SRF under NAHEP CAAST Project 19/08/2021 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
150 The time schedule for interview of SRF and written examination of Field Assistant 18/08/2021 Director of Extension Education Office
151 List of eligible candidates for recruitment of SRFs under the project ‘Research & Development of fruit crop’ (BH 12025) 17/08/2021 Aspee College of Horticulture
152 List of ELIGIBLE and NOT ELIGIBLE candidates for the recruitment of Field Assistant 13/08/2021 Director of Extension Education Office
153 List of ELIGIBLE and NOT ELIGIBLE candidates for the recruitment of SRF 13/08/2021 Director of Extension Education Office
154 Technical Assistant 13/08/2021 Home Page Officers
155 Postponed of SRF and Field assistant interview, DEE, NAU, Navsari 09/08/2021 Director of Extension Education Office
156 List of ELIGIBLE and NOT ELIGIBLE candidates for the recruitment of RA and SRF - Department of Wildlife Sciences, ACHF, NAU 29/07/2021 College of Forestry
157 Advertisement for the Post of Senior Research Fellow under NAHEP-CAAST Project 27/07/2021 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
158 Advertisement for the posts of SRF & Field Assistant 26/07/2021 Director of Extension Education Office
159 List of Eligible and Not Eligible Candidates for the Recruitment of JRFs under RKVY project (BH 14054) 19/07/2021 Aspee College of Horticulture
160 Advertisement of Library Assistant, Accountant & Senior Technical Assistant 08/07/2021 Office of Registrar
161 Advertisement for RA and SRF posts in the Department of Wildlife Sciences, College of Forestry, NAU, Navsari 05/07/2021 College of Forestry
162 list of eligible candidate for JRF at NMCA 28/06/2021 N.M. College of Agriculture
163 Advertisement for JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOW at ACHF 15/06/2021 Aspee College of Horticulture
164 Revised List of Eligible and Not Eligible Candidates for Recruitment of SRFs under NAHEP-CAAST Project 14/06/2021 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
165 List of Eligible and Not-eligible Candidates for the Post of SRFs under NAHEP-CAAST Project 10/06/2021 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
166 Advertisement for the post of JRF 08/06/2021 N.M. College of Agriculture
167 Advertisement for Senior Research Fellow (SRF) 07/06/2021 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
168 List of Eligible and Non-eligible Candidates for SRF B.H. 181217 (DUS Sapota Project) 04/06/2021 Aspee College of Horticulture
169 Advertisement for the post of SRF in NAU-NAHEP-CAAST Sub-project 19/05/2021 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
170 eligible candidates for the post of JRF 19/04/2021 N.M. College of Agriculture
171 Advertisement of SRF at Dept. of Fruit Science, ACHF, NAU 05/04/2021 Aspee College of Horticulture
172 Junior Translator (General Central Service, Group 'B' (Non- Gazetted) 19/03/2021 Office of Registrar
173 Vacancy Notice (Farm Superintendent) 12/03/2021 Office of Registrar
174 Advertisement of JRF at NMCA Navsari 23/02/2021 N.M. College of Agriculture
175 Filling up of three posts of Senior Technical Assistant 30/01/2021 Office of Registrar
176 List of Eligible and Not- Eligible Candidates for Recruitment of SRFs Under CAAST-NAU,Navsari 20/01/2021 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
177 SRF in Bamboo Project 15/01/2021 Aspee College of Horticulture
178 Walk in interview for Project Assistant at NMCA Navsari 30/12/2020 N.M. College of Agriculture
179 Vacancy of SRF Post in College of Forestry, NAU 29/12/2020 College of Forestry
180 Advertisement for the post of Senior Research Fellow in FASAL project 10/12/2020 N.M. College of Agriculture
181 List of eligible and not eligible candidate for Agri Asstt (contractual) under SSNNL Project at ARS, Tanchha 01/12/2020 Agricultural Research Station Tanchha
182 List of eligible and not eligible candidate for SRF under SSNNL Project at ARS, Tanchha 01/12/2020 Agricultural Research Station Tanchha
183 Corrigendum of interview of Project Assistant at NMCA Navsari 27/11/2020 N.M. College of Agriculture
184 Project Jobs at College of Forestry 26/11/2020 College of Forestry
185 Walk in interview for Technical Assistant in NAHEP project 23/11/2020 N.M. College of Agriculture
186 Advertisement for the post of SRF in NAU-NAHEP-CAAST Sub-project 23/11/2020 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
187 List of eligible candidates for Field Assistant at N.M.College of Agriculture, Navsari 21/11/2020 N.M. College of Agriculture
188 List of eligible and non eligible candidates for JRF at N.M.College of Agriculture, Navsari 21/11/2020 N.M. College of Agriculture
189 List of eligible and non eligible candidates for JRF at N.M.College of Agriculture, Navsari 21/11/2020 N.M. College of Agriculture
190 List of Eligible Not eligable Candidates for Agromet Observer KVK, Tapi 10/11/2020 Krushi Vigyan Kendra Vyara
191 Advertisement for Senior Research Fellow and Agriculture Assistant (contractual) at ARS, NAU, Tanchha 04/11/2020 Agricultural Research Station Tanchha
192 Advertisement of JRF and Field Assistant at NMCA 22/10/2020 N.M. College of Agriculture
193 Advertisement of JRF at ACHF (BH- 18208) 09/10/2020 Aspee College of Horticulture
194 Advertisement of SRF and JRF at ACHF (BH- 12025) 09/10/2020 Aspee College of Horticulture
195 List of Eligible & Not eligible Candidates for Research Associate in GKMS project 05/10/2020 N.M. College of Agriculture
196 List of Candidate for Interview of JRF (PHTC) 28/09/2020 Aspee College of Horticulture
197 Written test of eligible candidates for the contractual basis Post of Agromet Observer under DAMU Project at KVK, NAU, Waghai 17/09/2020 Krushi Vigyan Kendra Waghai
198 Advertisement for Contractual Basis Post of Agromet Observer at KVK, Vyara Dist:-Tapi. 14/09/2020 Krushi Vigyan Kendra Vyara
199 Instructions for written screening test for the contractual basis Post of Subject Matter Specialist (Agro-Meteorology) under DAMU Project 10/09/2020 Director of Extension Education Office
200 List of eligible candidates for the post of Professional at NMCA Navsari 09/09/2020 N.M. College of Agriculture
201 Written screening test and Personal interview of eligible candidates for the contractual basis Post of Subject Matter Specialist (Agro-Meteorology) under DAMU Project 04/09/2020 Director of Extension Education Office
202 Walk in interview for the Technical Assistant at NMCA 02/09/2020 N.M. College of Agriculture
203 Advertisement for JRF at PHTC 21/08/2020 Aspee College of Horticulture
204 Advertisement for the post of Professional at NMCA Navsari 20/08/2020 N.M. College of Agriculture
205 Advertisement for the post of Research Associate in GKMS project 17/08/2020 N.M. College of Agriculture
206 Eligible candidates for the post of TA under DBT Niger 13/08/2020 Niger Research Station Vanarasi
207 Eligible candidates for the post of JRF under DBT Niger 13/08/2020 Niger Research Station Vanarasi
208 Walk in interview for the post of JRF and Technical Assistant 28/07/2020 Niger Research Station Vanarasi
209 Vacancy notification for SRF and RA positions at Forestry College 25/06/2020 College of Forestry
210 Advertisement for the post of SRF in NAU-NAHEP-CAAST Sub-project 17/06/2020 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
211 List of Eligible & Not eligible Candidates for Agromet Observer KVK, NAU, Waghai, Dang 18/03/2020 Krushi Vigyan Kendra Waghai
212 Walk in Interview of Medical Officer on Contractual Basis for Health Centre, NAU, Navsari 12/03/2020 Office of Director of Students Welfare
213 Contractual Basis posts of Agromet Observer, KVK, Waghai (Dangs) 17/02/2020 Krushi Vigyan Kendra Waghai
214 Advertisement for Contractual Basis Posts of SMS (Agro-meteorology). 17/02/2020 Director of Extension Education Office
215 WALK IN INTERVIEW FOR OFFICE ASST. 10/01/2020 Office of Registrar
216 WALK IN INTERVIEW FOR J R F 10/01/2020 Office of Registrar
217 WALK IN INTERVIEW FOR S R F 10/01/2020 Office of Registrar
218 Advertisement for SRF at AABMI, NAU, Navsari 09/01/2020 Aspee Agribusiness Management Institute
219 List of Eligible Candidates for Interview for the Post of Senior Research Fellow (Agricultural Extension) under Farmer FIRST Programme 23/12/2019 Director of Extension Education Office
220 Postponement of Advertisement for Contractual Basis Posts of SMS (Agrometeorology) and Agromet Observer 22/11/2019 Director of Extension Education Office
221 Advertisement for the posts of SRF (Agricultural Extension) under Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP). 19/11/2019 Director of Extension Education Office
222 Advertisement for the post of SRF and JRF at Ento, NMCA, NAU, Navasari 05/11/2019 N.M. College of Agriculture
223 Recruitment for the Post of Field Representative(Trainee) 04/11/2019 Office of Registrar
224 Punjab Agricultural University Advertisement 15/10/2019 Office of Registrar
225 Farm Superintendent Advertisement 15/10/2019 Office of Registrar
226 List of eligible candidates for interview of NNI project NMCA 01/10/2019 N.M. College of Agriculture
227 List of Eligible and Not Eligible Candidates for Recruitment of SRFs Under NAHEP-CAAST Sub Project 23/09/2019 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
228 Walk in Interview for Senior Research Fellow at FQTL, NAU, Navsari 19/09/2019 N.M. College of Agriculture
229 SRF advertisement - Biodiversity Project - Forestry 19/09/2019 College of Forestry
230 Advertisement for two post of SRF NAU-NAHEP-CAAST sub-project 13/09/2019 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
231 Vacancy of Assistant Director 30/08/2019 Office of Registrar
232 WALK-IN-INTERVIEW FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANT 30/08/2019 Office of Registrar
233 Advertisement for the post of professional and semi skilled staff 27/08/2019 N.M. College of Agriculture
234 Selection List and Waiting List in response to Advertisement No.1-2018 27/08/2019 Office of Registrar
235 Post of Library and Information Assistant in commission for Agri. Costs and Prices reg... 22/08/2019 Office of Registrar
236 SRF-JRF-FA- positions at CSSRI Bharuch 21/08/2019 Placement Cell
237 Corrigendum regarding Walk-In-Interview for SRF under NAHEP-CAAST Sub-project NAU, Navsari 29/07/2019 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
238 (Revised) To be filled number of vacant post in Discipline wise Assistant Professor 09/07/2019 Home Page Authorities
239 Advertisement for SRF NAU-NAHEP-CAAST sub-project 06/07/2019 Office of Directorate of Research and Dean Post Graduate Studies
240 The List of Eligible candidates for Personal Interview... [Advertisement No. 1/2018 (PART-A & PART-B) for the post of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and its equivalent.] 17/06/2019 Office of Registrar
241 Revised List of Eligible / Not Eligible Candidates for the Post of Associate Professor & Equivalents in response to Advertisement No.01/2018 (Part-A & Part-B) 07/06/2019 Office of Registrar
242 Walk in interview for the post of RA, SRF and data Enumerator 07/06/2019 Office of Registrar
243 Postponement of walk in interview to be held on 26-3-19 for contractual posts of RA/SRF/Data enumerator 07/06/2019 Office of Registrar