Function of PME Cell

  • Functions of PME Cell:


Prepare a master plan for the development of the University. It means to determine priority area of development according to the strategies and views decided by Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Government of Gujarat.

To receive various research and development proposals from different departments/ offices of the university.

Scrutinise the proposals of the University submitted to it by the officers of the University.

Discuss, formulate and recommend the outline of the programme of the University including Plan and Non-Plan outlay (Now Standing and Development charges) in the areas of Teaching, Research and Extension Education and submit the same to the appropriate authority.

Make recommendations to the Board of Management on all matters relating to the Development and Planning of the University.

Give the guidelines for the Perspective and Annual Plan of the University in accordance with the State / National Plan.

To coordinate and arrange for biannual Planning and Development Committee meetings for scrutiny of various proposals, review the progress of different schemes and recommend modifications / deletions, etc. to be carried out.

Conducting trimonthly review meetings for continuous monitoring of progress and achievements of various projects.