Library is the heart of the institution and it is the knowledge paradise for the students, teachers, researchers and other users to acquire right knowledge at right time to the right user. Library is the principal resource and knowledge centre in the present era of information technology. This library was college library of N.M. College of Agriculture during the year 1965;later, it was renamed as Campus library by the Gujarat Agriculture University in the year 1972. Again, it was renamed as University Central Library in the year 1988 with inclusion of new faculty of Horticulture and Forestry. When the Navsari Agricultural University came into existence on May 1, 2004, it was converted into University Central Library. At present, it is working as the University Library and Knowledge Centre. Library is located in the centre of Navsari Campus at approachable walking distance from the various colleges and hostels. Library is having good infrastructure facilities spread over an area of 3099 Square meter. The main mandatory function of the library is to provide all kinds of scientific and technical database information especially in the fields of Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Veterinary, Biotechnology, Agribusiness Management, Agri-engineering, Fisheries, Information Communication Technology as well as other basic and allied science to the students, scientist, teachers, researcher and extension workers and all type of readers. Following information has been narrated here to throw the light on past, ongoing and future activities of the library.