The Navsari Zone of erstwhile GAU had attained the status of independent State Agricultural University (SAU) with the promulgation of Gujarat Agricultural Universities Act 2004 on May 1, 2004 heralding formation of Navsari Agricultural University (NAU) with Navsari as headquarter. NAU’s jurisdiction covers seven districts of South Gujarat viz., Narmada, Bharuch, Surat, Tapi, Navsari, Dangs and Valsad. The University has made remarkable growth in its tripartite activities i.e.Education, Research and Extension Education and simultaneously also made tremendous growth in infrastructure and Human Resource Development since its inception.
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The Chancellor
University Officers
ASPEE College of Horticulture is a prime institute providing Horticulture education and research in the state. This college was approved by Krushi and Gram Vikas Vibhag of the Government of Gujarat and started in November, 1988 at Navsari (Gujarat) and initially established with the name “ASPEE College of Horticulture and Forestry” with the vision to bring out trained human resource and research in two major field i.e. horticulture and forestry sectors. For starting this college, generous d....
Navinchandra Mafatlal College of Agriculture known as N. M. College of Agriculture was the first educational institute related to agriculture in the region of south Gujarat established in May-1965 with a vision to impart agricultural education and uplift the socio-economic status of the agricultural based community.
The Faculty of Forestry that came into existence in 1988 and started imparting education leading to B.Sc. (Forestry) degree under the umbrella of ASPEE College of Horticulture and Forestry. The College of Forestry established to an independent college effective from 01/06/2022. Post graduate programmes leading to M.Sc. (Forestry) and Ph.D. (Forestry) degrees commenced from 1993-94 and 2006-07, respectively. On receipt of fund from ICFRE, Dehradun for construction of college and hostel buildings ....
Considering the glut of opportunities available for competent agribusiness professionals in various agriculture related organizations; the Navsari Agricultural University (NAU), Navsari responded to the need of the hour by establishing the ASPEE Agribusiness Management Institute (AABMI) in 2007.
The full-fledged College of Agriculture, Bharuch was started with multi-functional activities like Teaching, Research and Extension Education under Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari. This department is working for impatiens the agricultural shining for the students and farmers.
The Dangs is situated in southeast parts of the Gujarat. The district bordered by districts Navsari and Valsad in the West, Tapi district in the North and Maharashtra state in the South and East covered with high hills and rich forest. Before Independence several wars were fought between the five tribal kings of Dang and the British. According to the history, the biggest ever war took place at Lashkaria Amba, in which kings of all five erstwhile states got together to protect Dang from British r....
To meet the ever field of emerging area of Agriculture Engineering And Technology, NavsariAgricultural University (NAU), Navsari has established College Of Agricuktural Engineering in 2013 with the approval of All India Council For Technical Education(AICTE), Ministry of HRD, Govt. Of India.
ASPEE SHAKILAM Biotechnology Institute was established as Gujarat Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (GABI) in April 2012 with the financial aid of Department of Agriculture and Co-operation, Government of Gujarat in the available building of university at Athwa Farm, Surat. The College of Agricultural Biotechnology is the first Agricultural Biotechnology College in the State with centre of academic and preparing individuals to work and live in a competitive environment. In the year 2015-16 ne....
Agriculture School was establishment in 2nd October, 1966. It is converted into Polytechnic in Agriculture during 2009-10. It is located in the East side two kilometres away from Railway Station Bharuch on Zadeshwar road. Nearest Airport is Vadodara, 75 Km away from Bharuch. Geographically the Polytechnic in Agriculture is located at Longitude 73.50E and Latitude 22.00N. It is one of the College of Navsari Agricultural University.
Centre for Innovation and Agripreneurship is a dynamic hub of creativity, innovation, and business acumen, dedicated to fostering a culture of entrepreneurial spirit within the agricultural sector. We believe that agriculture is not just a traditional practice but a vibrant and ever-evolving field, ripe with opportunities for innovation and sustainable growth. Through cutting-edge research, transformative training programs, and strategic partnerships, our centre aims to empower aspiring agripren....
This research station is located at Khergam Village of Gandevi Taluka in Navsari District under South Gujarat region. It was established in 1935 by Gaikwad state with a view to develop horticultural activities in this region. Geographically, it is situated at 20.807545º N 73.022260º E and 7.6 meter height from sea level. It is 4 km away from Gandevi town. The total area of the farm is 12.23 ha out of which 10.17 ha is under cultivation. The soil of the farm is clayey with moderate drainage.
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has sanctioned the 'MEGA SEED' project entitled "Seed Production in Agricultural crops" for field and horticultural crops during 2006-07 to Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari with total outlay of Rs. 317.06 lakhs. Under this project, NAU, Navsari has created infrastructure such as seed godowns, threshing floors, farm fencing, irrigation facilities, nursery facilities, seed processing plant, seed testing laboratory, training facilities etc.....
Livestock Research Station, Navsari Agricultural University was established in the year 1978 under erstwhile Gujarat Agricultural University, Navsari campus; however an organized herd of purebred Surti buffaloes was started during the year 1986. The LRS was established with mandate of establishing elite herd of Surti buffaloes for improving and conserving superior germplasm.Later on, LRS was strengthened by addition of Holstein Friesian and Kankrej crossbred cattle during the year 1991 with an o....
Achhalia is situated in the tribal area of Bharuch district near Umalla village, 38 km away from Ankleswar on Ankleswar-Rajpipla state highway no. 64. Geographically, the station is located at 21°97' North latitude and 73°18' East longitude with an altitude of about 38.0 m above MSL. The region of this sub-station comes under the Agro Ecological Situation-I of South Gujarat Agro-climatic Zone-II. The area represented by this situation includes Dediapada, Nandod, Sagabara, Western part of Valia....
Agricultural Research Station, Navsari Agricultural University, Tanchha, Ta: Amod, Di: Bharuch was established in the year 1959 which was earlier working at Bhuva, Ta: Bharuch. The station served as a research testing centre for Bara tract of South Gujarat Agro-climatic Zone II. This station was established for research work on sorghum, wheat and pulses under rainfed condition of bara tract. Narmada planning group has identified Tanchha as one of research station for generate location specific a....
Agriculture Experimental Station (AES), Paria came into existence from the year 1962 in Pardi taluka of Valsad district on Udvada- Paria road, about 4 kms away from Udvada Railway Station (WR) to test the feasibility of growing other crops instead of natural grasses. Initially, this station was run by the Department of Agriculture, Government of Gujarat. Later on, in 1972 this station was transferred to Gujarat Agricultural University, and lastly it came under Navsari Agricultural University dur....
A Project for “Research in Agril. Chemistry and Soil Science” was sanctioned initially in January 1967 by Government of Gujarat for Agriculture Research activities under South Gujarat- Heavy Rainfall Agro climatic Zone. Afterwards, Soil Science department came into existence in 1976 at Navsari Agricultural University with the starting of the Project for “Research in Agril. Chemistry and Soil Science (University B.H. 5020)” at University vide Government order No.GAU/RES/1-2/7166-72/76, Da....
South Gujarat occupies the most predominant position in the irrigation map of Gujarat. The Ukai- Kakrapar (UKC) is the biggest multi-purpose project in South Gujarat built on river Tapi. Prior to inception of canal, the whole tract had a predominant monocropping of cotton, sorghum, pigeon pea and orchard crops with pulses on residual moisture. With creation of perennial irrigation facility, double and multiple cropping like sugarcane, banana, summer paddy, vegetables and orchard etc. came in to ....
Cotton has been grown in our country since time immemorial and history recorded and unrecorded bears witness to the claim this fibre is indigenous to this country, particularly the Asiatic types; G.herbaceum and G.arboreum. However, attempts to put cotton growing on a scientific basis and introduced the new world species, G.hirsutum in to this country date back to the middle of the 18th century. In the eighteenth century after arrival of British East India Company, attempts were made to introduc....
The Regional Rice Research Station was established at Vyara in the year 1934, primarily to work on sugarcane and rice. Later on increasing the importance of rice crop, research work on sugarcane was discontinued and shifted to Navsari. In the year 1962, research work on rice was strengthened with view to undertake research on varietal evaluation. Thereafter since 1972 with formation of Gujarat Agriculture University research work was more intensified for varietal evaluation and agro techniques o....
Sorghum is the most important food and fodder crop of dry land agriculture. Sorghum grains are important as food and as livestock feed. The stem and foliage are used as a green fodder, hay, silage and pasture. The stems are also used as fuel and building material. Sorghum is used in preparation of different types of food and unleavened bread is the most common food made from sorghum flour. The dough is sometimes fermented before the bread is prepared, and the grains boiled to make a porridge or....
Cotton, the king of apparel fibre, has played a key role in the development of human civilization. Even today, it occupies an outstanding position in the textile industry despite pressure of manmade fibres and blended fabrics. Gujarat is one of the leading cotton producing state in the country. Gujarat contributes substantially to the national cotton area (24%) and productions (37%). Originally, local desi cotton varieties were grown in the state. The East India Company attempted to introduce Am....
The research work on sugarcane was initiated at Agricultural Research Station, Vyara (Dist.: Surat now Tapi) in the year 1934 and subsequently it was transferred to Navsari at Regional Sugarcane Research Station in 1968-69. Earlier, there were two Regional Sugarcane Research Stations at Navsari and Thasara and Main Sugarcane Research Station at Kodinar in the State up to April-2004. Thereafter, Regional Sugarcane Research Station, Navsari was upgraded as Main Sugarcane Research Station (MSRS). U....
wheat Research station, Bardori was established in May 1963 and transfers to Gujarat Agricultural university form1/06/1972 and is now run under Navsari Agricurturar university form 01-05-2004. The soil of research station is heavy Black rich in fertility. The soil is medium in N and p while in available potash high with 7.7 pH and 0.30 milimose/cm electric conductivity. Bardoli is substation for research in wheat under late sown irrigated condition in Rice- Wheat cropp ing sequence.
Niger locally known as Kharsani and Ram Til is tribal’s main oil seed crop in rain-fed situation in Gujarat specially in hilly region of Panchmahals, Bharuch, Surat, Valsad and Dangs districts, which are high risk areas. It is mainly used for cooking purposes and partly for illumination and other domestic purposes. Its oilcake goes as cattle feed particularly for milch animals. Niger oil is good quality edible oil. Its average yield varies from about 100 kg/ha in Maharashtra, to more than 800 ....
The National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) was started in the year 1982. The National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) is situated at 72-0' E longitude and 21.5' N latitude at an elevation of 15.64 mt. MSL. This centre is located in agro climatic Zone-II and agro-ecological situations five. The soils of this centre are black type .this center is 4 km far from Railway station Bharuch in East.
The Cotton Wilt Breeding Station, Navsari Agricultural University, Hansot, Ta: Hansot, Dist: Bharuch was established in the year 1964 for developing wilt sick plot and their by to developing wilt resistant cotton strain especially in G. herbaceum. Subsequently Taluka Seed Farm, Hansot was also included under this station in 2005. The station served as a research testing center for South Gujarat Agro climatic Zone II. This station was established for research work on Cotton, Rice, Sugarcane, Pige....
Agricultural research station, Mangrol was established in 2005. The station served as a research testing center for south Gujarat Agro climatic zone- II. This station was established for research work on sorghum and pulses. Since 2011-12 the All India Co-ordinated Research project trials on sorghum was started.
Hill Millet Research Station, Navsari Agricultural University, Waghai, Dist.: The Dangs is situated at a cross section of latitude of 20.77' N and longitude of 73.50' E; falls under South Gujarat Heavy Rainfall Zone, Agro Ecological Situation-I. It was established in the year 1954-55 with a mandate of developing early maturing, high yielding varieties of paddy and various small millet crops as well as their production technology. Subsequently, in the year 1977-78 the hill millet work was strengt....
Information Comming Soon
Rice is one of the most important staple food crops of India for more than 2/3rd of its population. The slogan “Rice is life” can be considered appropriate for our country as this crop plays a vital role in our national food security and is a means of livelihood for millions of rural households. In Gujarat, rice is cultivated in 8.4 lakh hectares with production of 19.3 lakh tonnes and productivity of 2305 kg per hectare. Main Rice Research Centre, NAU, Navsari, Gujarat is looking after all ....
Floriculture Research Farm for ornamental plants is being nicely maintained at ACHF, NAU, Navsari. Presently, the Farm has many commercially important ornamental crops like gladiolus, rose, spider lily, tuberose, chrysanthemum, China aster, heliconia, etc. These plants have been collected from Gujarat, Rajasthan, Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Delhi and Himachal Pradesh. Students, scientists as well as farmers are regularly visiting the farm and availing the opportunity to learn about more than....
Vegetable Research Station working under RHRS (Regional Horticultural Research Station), ASPEE College of Horticulture, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari. It was established in 1988 with a view to develop vegetable research activities in this region. The total area of the farm is 8 ha. This farm working on the major south Gujarat vegetable crops i.e., Okra, Brinjal, Tomato, Pointed Gourd, Little Gourd, Cucurbitaceous Vegetables and Tuber Crops. There are two AICRPs also working on i.e., A....
This farm belongs to Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari (Gujarat) located on the historic road Dandi known for Salt Satyagraha of Mahatma Gandhi around 14 km, from Navsari railway station 3 km and 8 km from the National Highway No.8, the Navsari campus gained the status of a separate agricultural university with effect from May 1, 2004. Organic Farming Cell working on organic farming science 2005 with various aspects of organic farming in 12 ha area. The state has also declared policy on o....
The coastal salt affected regions are mostly rainfed and mono cropped with rice during wet season. In addition to this, in inland areas the problem of secondary salinization due to cyclonic disturbances is acquiring menacing proportions because of high clay content of soils, over irrigation and predominance cultivation of high water consuming crops like paddy, sugarcane etc. In order to increase the productivity of the crops through crop improvement and improved agrotechniques, the Research s....
Krishi Vigyan Kendra is an institutional project of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to demonstrate technology generation, technology assessment and refinement and dissemination in the field of agriculture and allied sectors. The KVK has been charged now to take up the responsibili....
Krishi Vigyan Kendra-Waghai
Krishi Vigyan Kendra is an institutional project of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to demonstrate technology generation, technology assessment and refinement and dissemination in the field of agriculture and allied sectors. The KVK has been charged now to take up the responsibil....
Agricultural Technology Information Center, National Agricultural Research System has generated number of agricultural technologies for the benefit of the farmers. But, the farmers are not able to use these technologies due to lack of access to the information. To bridge this gap of information, Agr....
Sardar Smruti Kendra was established at Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari on the auspicious occasion of the Birth Centenary Mahotsav celebration of Hon. Sardar Patel. The foundation stone of Sardar Smruti Kendra, Navsari was laid by Shri Uchharangrai Dhebar, President, Sardar Centenary Mahot....
Bakery Training Unit Navsari
Educational Museum established at Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari was inaugurated by DR. SHRIMATI KAMLA, The Governor of Gujarat, Raj Bhavan, Gandhinagar in the Solemn Presence of SHRI KANUBHAI BHALALA, Hon. Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources (STATE), Government of Gujarat, Gandhi....
Office of Directorate of Research & Dean Post Graduate Studies
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